STEM up and Fly High: Get your STEM and Aviation education in the US!

7 min read

May 30, 2023

Exploring the Pros of STEM and Aviation Education at Lewis University!

In today’s rapidly evolving and increasingly globalized world, industries related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) continue to grow at an astonishing rate. 

Similarly, the aviation sector is expanding, offering numerous opportunities for individuals passionate about flight and aerospace. For those seeking a comprehensive education in these fields, Lewis University in the United States emerges as an exceptional choice. 

What is Lewis University anyway? Since its establishment in 1932 as an aviation technical school, Lewis University has evolved into a distinguished institution, boasting the esteemed College of Aviation, Science and Technology. With a commitment to academic excellence, Lewis University offers students an abundance of opportunities to excel in their chosen fields. In this article, we will explore the plethora of advantages that come with pursuing a STEM or Aviation education at Lewis University.

Academic Excellence 

At the heart of Lewis University lies its unwavering commitment to academic excellence. The university has a diverse range of undergraduate and graduate programs, including aviation, biology, chemistry, physics and computer and mathematical sciences. The faculty members at Lewis University are experts in their respective fields, dedicated to nurturing students’ intellectual growth. 

Through rigorous coursework, engaging lectures, and practical assignments, students develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and a solid foundation in their chosen disciplines. These equip students with the knowledge and expertise required to meet the evolving demands of the STEM and aviation industries. 

Hands-On Learning 

A hallmark of a Lewis University education is the emphasis on hands-on learning and practical experiences. The university’s Lasallian approach combines theoretical knowledge with real-world applications, ensuring students acquire the skills and competencies necessary for success. Whether it’s through simulations, clinical experiences, research projects in partnership with corporations, or team competitions, students have numerous opportunities to apply what they have learned in the classroom. 

John Rodje Panganiban, an aviation student in Lewis University, was torn between studying abroad and in the Philippines. However, between aviation programs in the Philippines and in Lewis University, the major difference is the accessibility and practicality of the training. In the Philippines, if you choose a degree in aviation, you only get to fly an aircraft either when you are already taking your majors or in your graduating year. In John’s experience, as early as freshman year, first semester, he is already taught to fly an aircraft. 

Indeed, such experiential learning opportunities foster critical thinking, hands-on problem-solving abilities, and the ability to work effectively as part of a team, all of which are highly valued by employers. 

Small Class Sizes 

One of the key advantages of a Lewis University education is the small class sizes that promote personalized attention from faculty members. With a 13:1 students per faculty ratio and just 17 students per class, students have more opportunities to actively engage in discussions, ask questions, and receive individualized feedback. 

Faculty members, many of whom possess real-world experience, make a conscious effort to understand each student’s goals and aspirations. This close interaction allows for mentorship and guidance that extends beyond the classroom, ensuring that students receive the support they need to succeed academically and professionally. Furthermore, the personalized attention fosters a sense of belonging and community among students, encouraging collaboration and peer learning.

Academic Support Services

Each student has unique learning needs. Recognizing this, Lewis University provides a range of academic support services to ensure their success. Students can seek assistance in areas where they may require additional support, such as writing, research, or specific subject matters. 

For international students, advisors are on-hand to guide them throughout their stay, from the enrollment process to graduation. Their job is to not make you feel alone – and to help you realize your full potential in the university. The availability of these resources demonstrates the university’s commitment to the holistic development of its students and their academic growth. 

“When you enter the university, you will be assigned an educational advisor,” Magi Manalili, Philippines Country Manager, explains. “You will be assisted all throughout the process until you’ve graduated.” 

According to Manalili, this is especially helpful because of American universities’ emphasis on flexible, personalized education. Panganiban, for example, recalls being “proud” that he is able to customize his load according to his interests and priorities – something his friends back in the Philippines could not do because of a curriculum structure that is strictly followed.

“When in doubt, always ask,” says Jay Ann Chan, a business student at Lewis University. From preparing admissions requirements and visa applications to choosing classes and figuring out what clothes to wear for winter, she found that she could always rely on her educational advisor. 

Industry Connections and Internship Opportunities 

Lewis University’s strategic location in Chicago also provides students with access to a vibrant job market and a plethora of internship opportunities. The university has established strong connections and partnerships with leading companies, research institutions, and aviation organizations, enabling students to network and secure valuable internships. 

Through internships, students gain practical experience in their respective fields, apply classroom knowledge to real-world scenarios, and establish professional connections that may lead to future employment opportunities. These experiences not only enhance students’ resumes but also provide them with a competitive edge in the job market upon graduation.

“The amount of experience and exposure you will receive when you study aviation or STEM in the United States will likely be more broad,” Manalili explains. “You will have this deep dive of exposure to companies, especially with the partnerships that Lewis University has.”

According to Tyler King, Executive Director of the university’s International Affairs, graduates of their aviation or STEM programs can work full-time in the United States for up to three years – a great headstart to their career. 

“Chicago is a huge international city, and the employers here really value bringing in international students to work for them,” he says. “It’s a great opportunity for everyone. Lewis also has partnerships with companies that belong to the Fortune 500.” 

Community and Networking 

Lewis University fosters a close-knit community. This supportive environment allows for meaningful connections, collaborative learning, and a strong sense of camaraderie among students. Through participation in student organizations, clubs, and extracurricular activities, students can further expand their network and engage in leadership roles, demonstrating their skills and passion to potential employers. 

Moreover, Lewis University warmly welcomes international students, providing them with a supportive community and extensive networking opportunities. As an international student, you will find a diverse and inclusive environment that embraces different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives. 

For example, Panganiban shares that there is a Filipino club in Lewis University – a surefire way to make friends and appease homesickness. 

Indeed, the university values the contributions of international students and recognizes the unique experiences and perspectives they bring to the campus community. 


Lewis University is the ideal destination for international students seeking a transformative educational experience. “You’re going to obtain a degree that is recognized around the world as one of the highest quality education systems,” King says. “That’s really gonna give you a headstart in the career that you’re pursuing. It’s a way of setting you apart from everyone else.”

With its dedication to academic excellence, holistic student support, and extensive networking opportunities, Lewis University provides a nurturing environment that fosters academic growth, vocational success, and lifelong connections for international students. As you embark on your journey, remember – Lewis University is where dreams take flight and possibilities know no limits. 


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