How You’re Using the Internet vs. The Positive Alternative You Could Be Doing

5 min read

Feb 13, 2024

In this tech-driven world, imagining your life without the internet is challenging. The struggle is real when you cannot access wifi and mobile data. It can put anyone in a bad mood, especially students with a distance education set-up or a hybrid one with some face-to-face classes and some online. Here’s the tea: the internet greatly influences daily life because modern people use it for communication, entertainment, news, and much more.

However, a growing dependence on this technology can be a double-edged sword. TBH, although the internet provides an avenue for social connections and more learning opportunities, overuse and abuse equate to less movement and more disconnect with people around you since you stare at your device. The massive information also poses a risk, especially for susceptible younger children.

So don’t feel bad when your parents nag you to take a chill pill and take a break from gadget use. Alternatively, you can assure them that you’re woke and will be cautious on the web. Remember, being more mindful of how you use the internet is important. Check out these helpful tips on how to spend your time on the internet more productively versus what you may be currently engaged with. These suggestions will help you grow to become better netizens who navigate cyberspace responsibly.

Keyboard Warrior vs. Ethical User

It’s easy to be a keyboard warrior when you hide under the anonymity of the internet. It encourages you to speak your mind and tell it like it is. Sorry not sorry, bruh. But it’s conduct unbecoming of a decent citizen to be a rabble-rouse. Acting like a troll to bully others because you feel salty for their dissenting opinions is never right. Peridot! A lot of people get canceled for shabby behavior.

Instead, make it a habit to act with the same ethical standards of behavior online that you would follow in F2F or real life. Don’t carry it over online if you don’t have the guts to say something to a person’s face. Shookt! The internet should not encourage you to behave rudely. Remember to follow your core values and do the following online:

  • Show respect
  • Mind your grammar and spelling
  • Be aware of strong language, all capitalization, exclamation points, and emojis
  • Cite sources when possible
  • Don’t post inappropriate material and hurtful content

Opinion-Searching vs. Researching

Many people tend to follow the opinions of influencers. When they stan someone, they go all out. Although that’s okay because you can learn wisdom from more successful people, you must also be discerning about their messages. Don’t be a mere sponge who absorbs everything someone famous tells you.

Instead, research certain issues before you jump to a conclusion. Refrain from giving a clapback before you have the facts. It’s vital to form your own opinions, especially on important matters, because the words that come from your mouth speak volumes about your character. The internet is a powerful tool that can provide information. Analyze what you’ve read and align this with your values. It hits differently, bruh! Empower yourself by not merely going with the flow.

Social Media Mob-Mentality vs. Fact-Checking

You’ve most likely seen this phenomenon but can’t put a label on it. Social media mob mentality happens when a multitude of people follow the majority. FOMO is real! It is related to the previous topic because, in most cases, popular viewpoints stem from an influencer and everyone joins the bandwagon when things go viral. And because social media has power over a large group of people, it can amplify mob mentality, resulting in millions of people advocating for or mocking the same topic.

This mentality arises from the natural desire of people to fit in. However, if you engage in this practice, it can be challenging because you may end up losing yourself. It’s okay to find people you vibe with. But always going with the majority will deplete your decision-making skills, making it challenging to stand by your personal beliefs. Fortunately, you can combat this mindset with fact-checking. Read up on issues and evaluate information to formulate your responses.

Solo Online Activism vs. Creating a Community Advocacy

If you feel strongly about a certain cause and keep sharing individual posts, you can unknowingly create an echo chamber. SMH, and wondering what the heck is that? Usually, web and social media interactions follow an algorithm. Hence, there’s a bigger likelihood that you will encounter opinions that reflect your own as you scroll your feeds. Unfortunately, this can distort viewpoints and create an information bias. Consequently, you may have difficulty discussing others’ ideas or accepting opposing views.

Instead, create a community that advocates for causes. You don’t have to create an edtech app to get this done. A simple Facebook community can get the ball rolling. This communal space will allow you to hear different opinions and ideas. To find other people who feel passionate about your causes, you can also do a hashtag towards a shared goal like #shorecleanups or #notosingleuseplastic. You can be confidently beautiful with a heart together.

Mindless Scrolling vs. Intentional Usage

When you’re bored, it’s easy to mindlessly scroll the social media news feeds or watch short videos nonstop until your eyes feel like they’re about to pop out. But using the internet without a purpose is dangerous and a huge waste of time. This ain’t it, chief! Instead, be intentional with usage so you’ll be more productive. You can try the following activities online:

  • Reading books
  • Taking online courses
  • Playing online or hybrid games to bond with family
  • Doing virtual workouts
  • Finding side hustles

Although it sounds like a drag, it’s vital to worry about mindless consumption. Instead, take the quest to optimize your time online! This startup educational tool can help you excel in your studies. It may be a cliche, but knowledge is power. Leverage the internet to enhance your learning experience, enrich your life and give you the glow up you desire.


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